nokia e71 review : Share online - Share images online - RealPlayer - Radio - Internet radio - Search for stations - Internet radio settings


Share online

Select Menu > Media > Share online.

You can share images and video clips in compatible online

albums, blogs, or in other compatible online sharing

services on the web. You can upload content, save

unfinished posts as drafts and continue later, and view the

content of the albums. The supported content types may

vary depending on the service provider.

To share files online, you must have an account with an

online image sharing service. You can usually subscribe to

such a service on the web page of your service provider.

Contact your service provider for more information.

Share images online

To upload a file from Gallery to the online service, select

Menu > Gallery, select the desired file and Options >

Send > Post to web.


Select Menu > Media > Recorder.

With Recorder, you can record up to 60 minutes of a voice

memo, save the voice recording as a sound clip, and play

the sound clip. Recorder supports the AMR file format.

You can also press the voice key to open the Recorder

application. If you have logged in to push to talk, the voice

key works as a push-to-talk key and does not open


Record a sound clip

To record a sound clip, select Options > Record sound

clip. Select Pause to pause the recording, and Record to

resume recording. When you finish recording, select

Stop. The sound clip is automatically saved to the Sound

clips folder in Gallery.

Play a recording

To listen to the sound clip that you just recorded, select

Play. The progress bar displays the playing time, position,

and length of the clip. Select Stop to cancel the playback.

To pause the playback of a recorded clip, select Pause.

Playback resumes when you select Play.

Manage image files

To view detailed information about the image, select

Options > View details.

To send the image, select Options > Send, and the

method for sending.

To rename the image, select Options > Rename.

To set the image as the display background, select

Options > Use image > Set as wallpaper.

To add the image to a contact, select Options > Use

image > Assign to contact. The Contacts application

opens, and you can select the contact for the image.


Select Menu > Media > RealPlayer.

RealPlayer plays video clips and audio files that are stored

in the device memory or on a memory card, transferred to

your device from an e-mail message or a compatible

computer, or streamed to your device over the web.

Supported formats include MPEG-4, MP4 (not streaming),

3GP, RV, RA, AMR, and Midi. RealPlayer does not necessarily

support all variations of a media file format.

Play video clips and stream


To play a video clip or audio file, select Options > Open >

Most recent clips to play one of the six clips you most

recently played, or Saved clip to play a clip or open a web

link. Select Play.

To play streaming media, select a web link that points to

a clip, and select Play; or connect to the web, browse to a

video clip or audio file, and select Play. RealPlayer

recognises two kinds of links: an rtsp:// URL and an http://

URL that points to a RAM file. Before the content begins

streaming, your device must connect to a web site and

buffer the content. If a network connection problem

causes a playback error, RealPlayer attempts

automatically to reconnect to the internet access point.

To adjust the volume during playback, use the volume


To fast-forward during playback, scroll up and hold. To

rewind during play, scroll down and hold.

To stop the playback or streaming, select Stop. Buffering

or connecting to the streaming site stops, the playback of

the clip stops, and the clip rewinds to the beginning.

To download video clips from the web, select Options >

Download videos.

To view the video clip in full-screen size, select Options >

Play in full screen. Full screen increases the size of the

video to cover the maximum video area possible while the

aspect ratio is maintained.

RealPlayer settings

You may receive RealPlayer settings in a message from

your service provider.

To define the settings manually, select Options >

Settings > Video or Streaming.

Flash player

Select Menu > Media > Flash Player.

With Flash player, you can view, play, and interact with

flash files made for mobile devices.

Manage flash files

To optimise the use of Flash Player, insert a memory card

in your device.

To play a flash file, scroll to it, and press the scroll key.

To send a flash file to compatible devices, select Options >

Send. Copyright protection may prevent the sending of

some flash files.

To switch between flash files saved on your device

memory or memory card, scroll to the corresponding tabs.

To change the flash file quality, select Options >

Quality when you are playing the flash file. If you select

High, the playback of some flash files may appear uneven

and slow due to their original settings. Change the quality

setting of such files to Normal or Low for improved


To organise your flash files, select Options > Organise.


Select Menu > Media > Radio.

The quality of the radio broadcast depends on the

coverage of the radio station in that particular area.

The FM radio depends on an antenna other than the

wireless device antenna. Attach a compatible headset or

enhancement to the device for the FM radio to function


Listen to the radio

To search for a station, select or . To set the

frequency manually, select Options > Manual tuning.

To view available stations based on location, select

Options > Station directory (network service).

To save the current station to your station list, select

Options > Save station.

To select a previously saved radio station, select

Radio settings

Select Options > Settings and from the following:

Start-up tone — Select whether a tone is played when

the application is started.

Auto-start service — Select Yes to have the Visual

Radio service start automatically when you select a

saved station that offers the Visual Radio service.

Access point — Select the access point used for the

data connection. You do not need an access point to use

the application as an ordinary FM radio.

Current region — Select the region you are currently

located in. This setting is displayed only if there was no

network coverage when the application was started.

Internet radio

Select Menu > Media > Internet radio.

Listen to internet radio


hearing. Do not hold the device near your ear when the

loudspeaker is in use, because the volume may be

extremely loud.

To listen to a radio station on the internet, select a station

from the station directory, search stations by their name

from the Nokia Internet Radio service, or select Options >

Add station manually. When you have found the correct

station, select Listen.

To stop the playback, press the scroll key. To resume the

playback, press the scroll key again.

To adjust the volume, use the volume keys.

To view station information, select Options > Station

information (not available if you have saved the station


If you are listening to a station saved in your favourites,

scroll left or right to listen to the previous or next saved


Tip: You can browse for station links with the Web

application. Compatible links are automatically

opened in the Internet radio application.

Search for stations

To search for radio stations in the Nokia Internet Radio

service by their name, select Search. Enter a station name

or the first letters of it in the search field, and select


To listen to the station, select Listen.

To save the station to your favourites, select Options >

Add to Favourites.

To make another search, select Options > Search


Save stations

To view and listen to your favourite stations, select


To add a station manually to favourites, select Options >

Add station manually. Enter the web address of the

station and a name that you want to appear in the

favourites list.

To add the currently playing station to favourites, select

Options > Add to Favourites.

To view station information, to move a station up or down

in the list, or to delete a station from the favourites, select

Options > Station and the desired option.

To view only stations beginning with particular letters or

numbers, start entering the characters. Matching stations

are displayed.

Internet radio settings

To select the default access point to connect to the

network, select Options > Settings > Default access

point. Select Always ask if you want the device to ask for

the access point every time you open the application.

To change the connection speed for GPRS packet data

connections, select Options > Settings > GPRS

connection bitrate.

To change the connection speed for 3G packet data

connections, select Options > Settings > 3G

connection bitrate.

To change the connection speed for WLAN connections,

select Options > Settings > Wi-Fi connection


The quality of the radio broadcast depends on the selected

connection speed. The higher the speed, the better the

quality. To avoid buffering, use the highest quality only

with high speed connections.


nokia e71 review : Camera - Capture an image - Scenes - Record videos - Nokia Podcasting - Play and manage podcasts



Select Menu > Media > Camera.

Capture an image

Your device supports an image capture resolution of up to

2048 x 1536 pixels. The image resolution in this guide may

appear different.

To capture an image, use the display as a viewfinder and

press the scroll key. The device saves the image in Gallery.

To zoom in or out before capturing an image in the

landscape mode, scroll up or down. This function is

available only when the toolbar is not shown.

To focus on the subject before capturing the image, press

the T key.

The toolbar provides you with shortcuts to different items

and settings before and after capturing an image or

recording a video. Scroll to a toolbar item and press the

scroll key.

Switch between the video mode and the image mode.

Select the scene.

Select the flash mode (images only).

Activate the self-timer (images only).

Activate the sequence mode (images only).

Select a colour effect.

Show or hide the viewfinder grid (images only).

Adjust the white balance.

Adjust the exposure compensation (images only).

The available options vary depending on the capture mode

and view you are in. The settings return to the default after

you close the camera.


A scene helps you to find the right colour and lighting

settings for the current environment. The settings of each

scene have been set according to a certain style or


To change the scene, select Scene modes in the toolbar.

To make your own scene, scroll to User defined, and select

Options > Change.

To copy the settings of another scene, select Based on

scene mode and the desired scene.

To activate your own scene, scroll to User defined, press

the scroll key, and select Select.

Capture images in a sequence

To capture several images in a sequence, if enough

memory is available, select Switch to sequence mode in

the toolbar and press the scroll key.

The captured images are shown in a grid on the display.

To view an image, scroll to it and press the scroll key. If

you used a time interval, only the last image is shown on

the display, and the other images are available in Gallery.

To send the image, select Options > Send.

To switch off the sequence mode, select Switch to normal

mode in the toolbar.

View captured image

The image you captured is automatically saved in Gallery.

If you do not want to keep the image, select Delete from

the toolbar.

Select from the following toolbar items:

Send — Send the image to compatible devices.

Post to — Send the image to your compatible online

album (network service).

To use the image as the background image, select

Options > Set as wallpaper.

To add the image to a contact, select Options > Set as

contact call img. > Assign to contact.

Record videos

1. If the camera is in the image mode, select the video

mode from the toolbar.

2. To start recording, press the scroll key.

3. To pause recording at any time, select Pause. Select

Continue to resume recording.

4. To stop recording, select Stop. The video clip is

automatically saved in Gallery. The maximum length of

the video clip depends on the available memory.

Play a video clip

To play a recorded video clip, select Play from the toolbar.

Select from the following toolbar items:

Send — Send the video clip to other compatible


Send to caller — Send the video clip to the caller

during an active call.

Post to — Send the video to an online album (network


Delete — Delete the clip.

To enter a new name for the clip, select Options >

Rename video.

Image settings

To change the still image settings, select Options >

Settings and from the following:

Image quality — Set the image quality. The better the

image quality

Show captured image — To see the image after the

capture, select On. To continue taking pictures

immediately, select Off.

Default image name — Define the default name for

the captured images.

Extended digital zoom On (continuous) allows

the zoom increments to be smooth and continuous

between the digital and extended digital zoom, and

Off allows a limited amount of zoom while retaining

the image resolution.

Capture tone — Set the tone that sounds when you

capture an image.

Memory in use — Choose where to store your images.

Rotate image — Rotate the images.

Restore camera settings — To return the default

values to the camera settings, select Yes.

Video settings

To change the video mode settings, select Options >

Settings and from the following:

Video quality — Set the quality of the video clip. Select

Sharing, if you want to send the video clip using a

multimedia message. The clip is recorded with OCIF

resolution, in 3GPP format, and the size is limited to 300

kB (approximately 20 seconds). You may not be able to

send video clips saved in the MPEG-4 file format in a

multimedia message.

Audio recording — Select Mute if you do not want to

record sound.

Show captured video — View the first frame of the

recorded video clip after the recording stops. To view

the entire video clip , select Play from the toolbar.

Default video name — Define the default name for

recorded video clips.

Memory in use — Select where you want to store your

video clips.

Restore camera settings — Restore the camera

settings to the default values.

Nokia Podcasting

Select Menu > Media > Podcasting.

Download podcasts to your device and listen them.

Play and manage podcasts

Podcasting delivers audio or video content over the

internet for playback on mobile devices and PCs.

With the Nokia Podcasting application, you can search,

discover, subscribe, and download podcasts over the air;

and play, manage, and share podcasts with your device.

Define the connection and downloading settings before

using the application. Select Options > Settings >

Connection and Download.

To search for new podcast episodes to subscribe to, select


To search for podcasts using keywords and podcast show

titles, select Search.

To display the available episodes from the selected

podcast, open the Podcasts folder and select Open.

To download the selected episode, select Download.

To play the downloaded episode, select Play.

To update the selected podcast or marked podcasts, for a

new episode, select Options > Update.

To open the web site of the podcast (network service),

select Options > Open web page.

Some podcasts provide the opportunity to interact with

the creators by commenting and voting. To connect to the

internet to do this, select Options > View comments.
