About Gallery
Select Menu > Applications > Gallery.
Gallery is a storage place for your images, video and
sound clips, songs, and streaming links.
Main view
Select Menu > Applications > Gallery.
Select from the following:
● Images — View images and video clips in
● Video clips — View video clips in Video
● Songs — Open Music player.
● Sound clips — Listen to sound clips.
● Streaming links — View and open
streaming links.
● Presentations — View presentations.
You can browse and open folders and copy and
move items to folders. You can also create albums
and copy and add items to albums.
To open a file, select the file from the list. Video clips
and streaming links open and play in Video centre,
and music and sound clips in Music player.
Sound clips
Select Menu > Applications > Gallery and Sound
This folder contains all the sound clips you have
downloaded from the web. The sound clips created
with the Recorder application with MMS optimised
or normal quality settings are also saved in this
folder, but the sound clips created with high quality
settings are stored in the Music player application.
To listen to a sound file, select the file from the list.
To rewind or fast-forward, scroll left or right.
Streaming links
Select Menu > Applications > Gallery and
Streaming links.
To open a streaming link, select the link from the
To add a new streaming link, select Options >
New link.
Select Menu > Applications > Gallery.
With presentations, you can view scalable vector
graphics (SVG) and flash files (SWF), such as cartoons
and maps. SVG images maintain their appearance
when printed or viewed with different screen sizes
and resolutions.
To view files, select Presentations. Go to an image,
and select Options > Play. To pause playing, select
Options > Pause.
To zoom in, press 5. To zoom out, press 0.
To rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise or
anticlockwise, press 1 or 3, respectively. To rotate
the image 45 degrees, press 7 or 9.
To switch between full and normal screen mode, press *.
Your device offers several options to connect to the
internet or to another compatible device or PC.
Wireless LAN
About WLAN
To use a wireless LAN (WLAN) connection, it must be
available in the location, and your device must be
connected to the WLAN. Some WLANs are protected,
and you need an access key from the service
provider to connect to them.
Note: In
WLAN indoors.
Features that use WLAN, or that are allowed to run
in the background while using other features,
increase the demand on battery power and reduce
the battery life.
Your device supports the following WLAN features:
● IEEE 802.11b/g standard
● Operation at 2.4 GHz
● Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) with keys up to
128 bits, Wi-Fi protected access (WPA), and
802.1x authentication methods. These functions
can be used only if they are supported by the
Important: Always enable one of the
available encryption methods to increase the
security of your wireless LAN connection. Using
encryption reduces the risk of unauthorised access
to your data.
WLAN connections
To use a WLAN, you must create an internet access
point in a WLAN. Use the access point for
applications that need to connect to the internet. A
WLAN connection is established when you create a
data connection using a WLAN access point. The
active WLAN connection is ended when you end the
data connection. You can also end the connection
You can use a WLAN during a voice call or when
packet data connection is active. You can only be
connected to one WLAN access point device at a
time, but several applications can use the same
internet access point.
When the device is in the Offline profile, you can still
use a WLAN, if available. Remember to comply with
any applicable safety requirements when
establishing and using a WLAN connection.
If you move the device to another location within
the WLAN and out of range of a WLAN access point,
the roaming functionality can automatically
connect your device to another access point that
belongs to the same WLAN. As long as you remain
within range of access points that belong to the
same network, your device can stay connected to
the network.
Tip: To check the unique media access control
(MAC) address that identifies your device, for
example to configure the MAC address of your
device to a WLAN router, enter *#62209526#
in the home screen. The MAC address is
See WLAN availability
To set your device to show wireless LAN (WLAN)
availability, select Menu > Tools > Settings and
Connection > Wireless LAN > Show WLAN
If a WLAN is available, is displayed.
WLAN wizard
Select Menu > Tools > Connectivity > WLAN
The WLAN wizard helps you find and connect to a
wireless LAN (WLAN). When you open the
application, your device starts to scan for available
WLANs and lists them.
Select Options and from the following:
● Refresh — Update the list of available WLANs.
● Filter WLAN networks — Filter out WLANs in
the list of found networks. The selected networks
are filtered out the next time the application
searches for WLANs.
● Start web browsing — Start browsing the web
using the access point of the WLAN.
● Cont.web browsing — Continue web browsing
using the currently active WLAN connection.
● Disconnect WLAN — Disconnect the active
connection to the WLAN.
● Details — View the details of the WLAN.
Important: Always enable one of the
available encryption methods to increase the
security of your wireless LAN connection. Using
encryption reduces the risk of unauthorised access
to your data.
Connection manager
Active data connections
Select Menu > Tools > Connectivity > Conn.
Select Active data connections.
In the active data connections view, you can see the
open data connections:
data calls
packet data connections
wireless LAN (WLAN) connections
Note: The actual invoice for calls and services
from your service provider may vary, depending on
network features, rounding off for billing, taxes,
and so forth.
To end a connection, select Options >
Disconnect. To close all open connections, select
Options > Disconnect all.
To view the details of a connection, select
Options > Details.
Available WLANs
Select Menu > Tools > Connectivity > Conn.
mgr. and Available WLAN networks.
The available WLAN view shows a list of wireless
LANs (WLAN) within range, their network mode
(infrastructure or ad hoc), and signal strength
indicator. is displayed for networks with
encryption, and if your device has an active
connection in the network.
To view the details of a network, select Options >
To create an internet access point in a network,
select Options > Define access point.
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