FrontierVille: Where have all of the Bears gone? ---->!!!-->SHARE

Share Many users, myself included, have gone through a veritable forest's worth of trees, chopping down everything in sight, and have yet to receive a single bear. It's always seemed that when you are on an active quest for an item, the item will be less likely to appear on your land, in order to offer challenge in completing whatever quest you may be working on at the time, but this has gone a little bit too far, in the eyes of many players.
The official FrontierVille forums have exploded with thread after thread discussing the lack of bears. One thread in particular has 200 posts, most from users that have chopped down multiple trees (more than a dozen, in some cases) and have yet to receive a bear. Some lucky users did receive a bear after just one or two trees, but for those that haven't, a very real concern has now developed, that being - "Will we get a bear in time, before the mission expires?" Share

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