nokia e75 review : E-mail - Send e-mail - Priority - Add attachments - Read e-mail - Download attachments - Reply to a meeting request - Search for e-



Set up your e-mail

With the Nokia e-mail wizard, you can set up your corporate

e-mail account, such as Microsoft Outlook, Mail for Exchange,

or Intellisync, and your internet e-mail account.

When setting up your corporate e-mail, you may be prompted

for the name of the server associated with your e-mail

address. Ask your company IT department for details.

1. To start the wizard, go to the home screen, scroll to the

e-mail wizard, and press the scroll key.

2. Enter your e-mail address and password. If the wizard is

not able to configure your e-mail settings automatically,

you need to select your e-mail account type and enter the

related account settings.

If your device contains any additional e-mail clients, those

are offered to you when you start the e-mail wizard.

Send e-mail

Select Menu > Messaging.

1. Select your mailbox and Options > Create e-mail.

2. In the To field, enter the recipient's e-mail address. If the

recipient's e-mail address can be found in Contacts, start

entering the recipient's name, and select the recipient

from the proposed matches. If you add several recipients,

insert ; to separate the e-mail addresses. Use the Cc field

to send a copy to other recipients, or the Bcc field to send

a blind copy to recipients. If the Bcc field is not visible,

select Options > More > Show Bcc field.

3. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the e-mail.

4. Enter your message in the text area.

5. Select Options and from the following:

Add attachment — Add an attachment to the


Priority — Set the priority of the message.

Flag — Flag the message for follow-up.

Insert template — Insert text from a template.

Add recipient — Add recipients to the message from


Editing options — Cut, copy, or paste the selected


Writing language: — Select the writing language.

6. Select Options > Send.

Add attachments

Select Menu > Messaging.

To write an e-mail message, select your mailbox and

Options > Create e-mail.

To add an attachment to the e-mail message, select

Options > Add attachment.

To remove the selected attachment, select Options >

Remove attachment.

Read e-mail

Select Menu > Messaging.

Important: Exercise caution when opening messages.

Messages may contain malicious software or otherwise be

harmful to your device or PC.

To read a received e-mail message, select the mailbox, and

select the message from the list.

To reply to the message sender, select Options > Reply. To

reply to the sender and all other recipients, select Options

Reply to all.

To forward the message, select Options > Forward.

Download attachments

Select Menu > Messagingand a mailbox.

To view the attachments in a received e-mail message, scroll

to the attachment field, and select Options > Actions >

Open. If there are several attachments in the message, a list

opens showing which attachments have been downloaded

or not.

To download the selected attachment or all the attachments

from the list to your device, select Options > Download or

Download all. The attachments are not saved in your device,

and are deleted when you delete the message.

To save the selected attachment or all the downloaded

attachments in your device, select Options > Save or Save


To open the selected, downloaded attachment, select

Options > Actions > Open.

Reply to a meeting request

Select Menu > Messagingand a mailbox.

Select a received meeting request, Options, and from the


Accept — Accept the meeting request.

Decline — Decline the meeting request.

Forward — Forward the meeting request to another


Remove from calendar — Remove a canceled meeting

from your calendar.

Search for e-mail messages

Select Menu > Messagingand a mailbox.

To search for items within the recipients, subjects, and body

texts of the e-mail messages in the mailbox, select Options >


To stop the search, select Options > Stop search.

To start a new search, select Options > New search.

Delete e-mails

Select Menu > Messagingand a mailbox.

To delete the selected e-mail message, select Options >

Delete. The message is placed in the Deleted items folder, if


To empty the Deleted items folder, select the folder and

Options > Empty deleted items.

Switch between e-mail folders

Select Menu > Messagingand a mailbox.

To open another e-mail folder or mailbox, select Inbox at the

top of the display. Select the e-mail folder or mailbox from

the list.

Disconnect from the mailbox

Select Menu > Messagingand a mailbox.

To cancel the synchronization between the device and the email

server, and to work with e-mail without a wireless

connection, select Options > Disconnect. If your mailbox

does not have the Disconnect option, select Options >

Exit to disconnect from the mailbox.

To start the synchronization again, select Options >


Set on an out-of-office reply

Select Menu > Messaging.

To set on an out-of-office reply, select your mailbox and,

depending on your mailbox type, either Options >

Settings > Mailbox settings > Out of office > On or

Options > Settings > Intellisync > Mailbox settings >

Out of office > On.

To enter the text for the reply, select Out of office reply.

General e-mail settings

Select Menu > Messaging, mailbox, and Options >

Settings > Global settings and from the following:

Message list layout — Select whether the e-mail

messages in Inbox display one or two lines of text.

Body text preview — Select whether to preview

messages when scrolling through the list of e-mail

messages in Inbox.

Title dividers — Select On to be able to expand and

collapse the list of e-mail messages.

Download notifications — Select whether to have the

device to display a notification when an e-mail attachment

has been downloaded.

Home screen — Define how many lines of e-mail are

shown in the home screen information area.

Message reader

The message reader reads received text and multimedia

messages aloud.

To play a message, press and hold the left selection key when

you receive a message.

To start reading the next message in Inbox, scroll down. To

start reading the message again, scroll up. In the beginning

of the message, scroll up to hear the previous message.

To pause the reading, press the left selection key briefly. To

continue, press the left selection key briefly again.

To end the reading, press the end key.


Select Menu > Control panel > Phone > Speech.

To set the language for the message reader, select

Language. To download additional languages to your

device, see the Nokia website or use the Download!


To set the speaking voice, select Voice. The voice is languagedependent.

To set the speaking rate, select Voice settings > Speed.

To set the speaking volume, select Voice settings >


To listen to a voice, open the voice tab, select the voice and

Options > Play voice.

Text and multimedia


Select Menu > Messaging.

Only devices that have compatible features can receive and

display multimedia messages. The appearance of a message

may vary depending on the receiving device.


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