nokia e75 review : PTT groups - A PTT channel - PTT settings - Call and data registers


PTT groups


A PTT channel consists of a group of people (for example,

friends or a work team) who joined the channel after they

were invited. When you call a channel, all members joined to

the channel hear the call simultaneously.

You can join pre-configured channels. Public channels are

open to anyone who knows the URL for the channel.

When you are connected to a channel and talk, all members

joined to the channel hear you talking. Up to five channels

can be active at the same time.

Select Options > PTT contacts > Netw. grps./ channels.

To connect to a public pre-configured network group or

channel for the first time, you must first create the group or

channel. Select Options > Add existing, and enter the

required information. After the link to the group has been

created, you can attempt to join the group.

Network groups

Network groups consist of pre-configured lists of members

that are stored on the server. You can define participants by

adding them to the member list. When you want to talk to a

network group, you can select the group, and make a call to

it. The server calls each participant in the group, and the call

is ready when the first participant answers.

To make a call, select Options > PTT contacts > Netw.

grps./ channels, open the PTT groups tab, select a group,

and press the PTT key.

Create a channel group

To create a new configured network group or channel, select

Options > Create new, PTT network group, or PTT


You can create your own public channels, choose your own

channel name, and invite members. Those members can

invite more members to the public channel.

You may also set up private channels. Only users invited by

the host are allowed to join and use private channels.

For each channel, define Network group name,

Nickname, and Thumbnail (optional).

When you have successfully created a channel, you are asked

if you want to send channel invitations. Channel invitations

are text messages.

Talk to a channel or group

To talk to a channel after you log into the PTT service, press

the PTT key. A tone sounds, indicating that access is granted.

Continue to press and hold the PTT key the entire time you

are talking. When you finish talking, release the key.

If you try to respond to a channel by pressing the PTT key

while another member is talking, Wait is displayed. Release

the PTT key, wait for the other person to finish talking, and

press the PTT key again. Alternatively, press and hold the PTT

key, and wait for Talk to be displayed.

When you are talking in a channel, the first person to press

the PTT key when someone stops talking can talk next.

To view the currently active members of a channel during an

active call to the channel, select Options > Active


When you have finished the PTT call, select Disconnect.

To invite new members to an active call, select the channel

when you are connected to it. Select Options > Send

invitation to open the invitation view. You can only invite

new members when you are the host of a private channel, or

when the channel is a public channel. Channel invitations are

text messages.

You can also advertise your channel, so that others may

become aware of it and then join. Select Options > Send

invitation, and enter the required information.

Respond to a channel invitation

To save a received channel invitation, select Options > Save

channel. The channel is added to your PTT contacts, channels


After you save the channel invitation, you are asked if you

want to connect to the channel. Select Yes to open the PTT

sessions view. Your device logs into the service, if you are not

logged in already.

If you reject or clear the invitation, the invitation is stored in

your messaging inbox. To join the channel later, open the

invitation message, and save the invitation. Select Yes from

the dialog to connect to the channel.

View the PTT log

Select Options > PTT log and Missed PTT calls, Received

PTT calls, or Created PTT calls.

To make a one-to-one call from the PTT log, select a contact,

and press the PTT key.

PTT settings

To change your PTT user settings, select Options >

Settings and from the following:

Incoming calls — Select whether to allow or block PTT


Incoming callback reqs. — Select whether to receive or

block incoming callback requests.

Accepted list calls — Select whether to be notified of

incoming PTT calls or to answer the calls automatically.

Callback request tone — Select a ringing tone for

callback requests.

Application start-up — Select if you want to log into the

PTT service when you switch on your device.

Default nickname — Enter your default nickname that is

displayed to other users. You may not be able to edit this


Show my PTT address — Select when to show you PTT

address to the other parties of the call. You may not be

able to select some of the options.

Accepted list — Select who you want to allow to contact


Blocked list — Select who you never want to be able to

contact you.

Show my login status — Select when to show your

current login status to others. Your service provider may

not necessarily support this feature.

Connection settings — Select to edit your connection

settings if necessary (these settings, including SIP, XDM

and Presence settings, may have been delivered over the



Select Menu > Log.

The Log application stores information about the

communication history of the device. The device registers

missed and received calls only if the network supports these

functions, and if the device is switched on and within the

network service area.

Call and data registers

Select Menu > Log.

To view recently missed, received, and dialed calls, select

Recent calls.

Tip: To view the dialed numbers when in the home

screen, press the call key.

To view the approximate duration of calls to and from your

device, select Call timers.

To view the amount of data transferred during packet data

connections, select Packet data.


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