How To Identify A Face Mask For Your Skin Type! ((SHARE))

Share  How To Identify A Face Mask For Your Skin Type! ((SHARE))
Face mask can be very helpful for skin care. But selecting the right face mask is somewhat a difficult task because some masks give you an allergic reaction with some chemicals in it.
However, give yourself a quick and simple way of beauty treatment by making a instant face mask using household items because they are natural and even you will know exactly what you are applying on and into your skin.

Natural Face mask With Household Ingredients

Here are some ideas for face mask preparation that you can make use and ensure that you are avoiding additives and preservatives.
For a dry skin, take two ounces of fresh avocado, an ounce of orange juice, a teaspoon of honey, and a teaspoon of molasses and 5 drops of chamomile essential oil and blend them properly. You can prefer a large bowl to mash them by hand.
If the mixture is too thick, you can add one more ounce of orange juice to it. Now, use your fingers to apply and to spread the mixture over your entire face and neck. Allow it to remain for thirty minutes or still more for better results.
For rinsing the mask, better use a warm flannel because it helps exfoliate and clean your face. Now you can find your face moisturized and feeling healthy [Home remedy for Dry Skin].
For a sensitive skin (Skin care for Sensitive Skin), the best face mask is homemade honey face mask. Begin by warming a small quantity of honey in a double boiler. Periodically notice your hand to ensure that the honey gets warm and not hot.
Once it reaches a comfortable temperature, gently rub the honey onto your entire face. Allow it for 15 minutes before you wash thoroughly with warm, then cool water. Thus you feel rejuvenated and your face will look healthy after using this simple home facial mask.
For oily skin, facial masks can be a problem, however you can use a homemade egg white mask because it works great on oily skin. Beat an egg white in a bowl until the peaks are firm. Next add 6 drops of witch hazel and 6 drops of lemon juice to it.
Now, gently apply the mixture on your face but be sure it doesn’t get into your eyes. Rinse it after 15 minutes using warm water.
For a sensitive, sunburnt skin, try a butter face mask. Take a tablespoon of unsalted and softened butter, and a large amount of mashed strawberry. For a normal to dry skin, use an inch slice of cucumber pushed through a sieve and for oily skin, use a tablespoon of lemon juice. For a very dry skin, try adding 1 egg yolk.
Next take a bowl, beat the butter and add suitable ingredient and blend it. Now apply the mask on your entire face and rinse it off after ten to fifteen minutes with a wet, warm washcloth. As butter has a great source of vitamin A, this mask really helps for your sunburns or damaged skin. Share

Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE))


 Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE))

6. Oysters

Although they are popular as aphrodisiacs, oysters actually are an excellent source of zinc.
What this does for your skin is to help renew and revitalize it, while assisting with the production of collagen at the same time.

7. Pomegranate Fruits & Pomegranate Juice

pomegranate fruits pomegranate juice
Just like Acai berries, pomegranate is also considered to be a super food because of its high antioxidant content.
Whether it’s the pure juice form or the fruit itself that you will eat, you will get to enjoy a unique benefit to your skin – which is to prevent the appearance of varicose veins.
This is due to the fact that pomegranate contains Anthocyanins which help strengthen the walls of the tiny blood vessels which in turn supply the skin with the nutrients that it needs.

8. Spinach

Popeye’s power veggie is something which you should also be eating a lot of.
Spinach is rich in alpha-lipoic acid and lutein – these two compounds work great against skin aging and also have anti-inflammatory benefits.

9. Tomatoes

Plump, red and juicy tomatoes are a great source of lycopene.
This does not just work well as an antioxidant to benefit your skin, but lycopene helps prevent the occurrence of certain cancers as well.

10. Walnuts

Just like fish oils, walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
The result when you feed your skin with this is that you will have smoother skin, and your body will be more able to battle inflammatory diseases.
Fill your grocery cart with these items the next time that you go shopping and watch nature work wonders on your skin! Share

Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE )) No : 2


Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE ))No: 2

 3. Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate
Surprisingly enough, the oh-so-sinful dark chocolates do have a high antioxidant content which helps improve the flow of blood to the skin.
It also gets rid of the rough feel to your skin while at the same time protecting it from sun damage.

4. Green Tea

If there’s one food item in our list which is also considered as the ultimate health drink, it is none other than green tea. This beverage is considered to be healthier than water and when it comes to the health of your skin, it is the one to beat.
green tea
Did you know that green tea is even used as a natural remedy for acne? Green tea is also a potent antioxidant. When you drink green tea regularly, you will get the daily dose of vitamins C, D and K that the body needs.
As you can see, there are numerous benefits that you will get to enjoy by drinking green tea while also improving the quality of your skin – so ditch the caffeine and substitute it with a cup or two of green tea now.

5. Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines & Fresh Tuna

You may notice how all of these fish variants are on the oily side.
Don’t think that just because they’re oily, it already means that they will not contribute to the health of your skin at all.
These types of fish actually contain the healthy and essential fatty acids in the form of Omega-3 oils.
What it does for the health of your skin is to decrease the chances of your skin clogging up while at the same time improving its elasticity. All in all, aside from the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids to your health, it also generally improves the quality of your skin – making it suppler and younger-looking. Share

Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE))

Share  Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE))
How many times have you heard people say that you are what you eat? When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, this is definitely a principle to live by.
If you keep on loading up on carbs, insisting on consuming fatty foods and not minding the caloric content of food at all – then there could be disastrous results as far as your weight is concerned.
Now, the same principle applies when it comes to the effect of the foods that you are eating to the quality of your skin.
fruits and vegetables
You might be surprised at how loading up on a lot of fruits and vegetables can do wonders for your skin.
The problem is that we live in a world where everybody seems to be looking for that quick fix.
Rather than thinking about the natural methods that you can use to improve the quality of your skin, most people browse through the shelves of drugstores and the ‘Healthy & Beauty’ sections of department stores.
They look for creams that help prevent wrinkles, lotions which make the skin smooth, ‘miracle’ pills which will make them instantly youthful-looking and beautiful.
But if you really want to have better looking skin, it is better if you will do it the old fashioned way: by feeding your skin with foods that will help you retain that youthful glow “.

The Top 10 Foods that Benefit Your Skin the Most

Aside from giving you a lot of benefits health wise, consuming these food items will help your skin remain luminous, elastic, smooth to the feel and healthy.
Take a look at the top 10 foods that will give you great skin:

1. Avocados

This rich tropical fruit is filled with vitamins C and E which works well towards fighting the effects of skin aging.
Although it is considered to be high in fat content, the type of fat that avocados have is monounsaturated.
This means that the fruit is also loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids that help improve the quality of your skin.

2. Berries

Blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries are all beneficial for your skin.It is even better if you can consume the exotic Acai berries which come from the Amazonian forests in Brazil.
Acai berries have the most potent antioxidant content among any other fruits in the world, which is the reason why it is called a ‘superfood‘.
When you load up on foods which are rich in antioxidants, the effect on your body is that free radicals will be neutralized.
These free radicals are the culprit behind premature skin aging and cell damage.In addition, berries are a great source of vitamins C and E, Riboflavin and fibers.
More importantly, these tiny fruits have a natural ingredient which helps the body manufacture collagen – which makes the skin supple and smooth. Not bad for really small fruits, right? [Fruits For skin care]
(( Went with us the rest of the topic))

yogurt for soft and smooth skin


 yogurt for soft and smooth skin

Yogurt features as one of the main ingredients in a number of the homemade beauty recipes. Its high nutrient content, plus the lactic acid and enzymes soothes, softens and hydrates the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Because yogurt has antibacterial and antifungal properties, it also provides excellent cleansing properties.
Choice of yogurt for homemade skincare recipes
You can purchase yogurt for your homemade DIY beauty recipes from the supermarket. It’s best to choose yogurt with live active cultures in order to get the full benefits. Otherwise, just remember to buy plain, unflavored and preferably set yogurt. And depending on your face type, you want to be careful about the fat content. For dry skin type, those original formula that contains fat would be very nourishing. However, I found this too much for my combination skin. So if you have combination or oily skin, use non-fat formulas even though the consistency of some are much thinner which means the yogurt could be dripping off. I personally like the 99.8% fat free natural set yogurt from Pauls.
What I like about using yogurt is that it can be used alone or blended with other natural ingredients. I’ve tried it with cucumber, with carrot, with tomato and with lemon to much satisfaction.
Yogurt recipe for moisturizing & hydrating the skin
- 2 – 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt
- 2 tablespoons of grated carrot
Mix the combination together, apply to face, neck and anywhere else you like. Leave on for about 15 minutes and rinse off thoroughly.
I tried this everyday for a week using non-fat yogurt and it was good. No breakouts nor irritation. And my skin certainly felt smooth and supple afterwards.
Yogurt recipe for skin whitening/lightening
This recipe is from Leon at Glowing Diva which is said to be able whiten/lighten your complexion in less than fifteen days.
- 2 tablespoon fresh plain yogurt
- 1 tablesppon of orange juice.
Mix the mixture together and apply on your face and rinse off after fifteen minutes. Moisturize your skin and don’t forget to apply your sunscreen cream/lotion because orange contains AHAs(Alpha Hydroxy Acids) which can make your skin photosensitive.
Yogurt creamy cucumber facial cleanser recipe
This recipe is taken from Blended Beauty by Philip B.
For normal to dry skin:
- 1/4 cucumber (chopped, do not peel)
- 1/8 russet potato (chopped, do not peel)
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 whole egg
- 1/4 cup plain yogurt
If you have oily skin:
- use nonfat yogurt
- add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
- increase baking soda to 2 tablespoons
- use egg white only; discard egg york Share

Solar Powered Skins for iPhones and iPod Touch (( share )

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Send Farmville Fertilize All as a Free Gift (( SHARE))

Share  Send Farmville Fertilize All as a Free Gift (( SHARE))

Farmville Fertilize all is  available as free gift for a limited time only. You can send fertilize all to your neighbors from free gifting page on farmville. Fertilize all fertilizes your whole farm with one click. Share

Pumpkin Carriage, Rove Goat, Purple Gallinule, Black Rose Flower, Mystery Seedling & Apple Tree Mastery Sign


Pumpkin Carriage, Rove Goat, Purple Gallinule, Black Rose Flower, Mystery Seedling & Apple Tree Mastery Sign

Note: Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille

Rove Goat


Unreleased Pumpkin Carriage

Unreleased Pumpkin CarriageUnreleased Rove Goat

Purple GallinuleUnreleased Purple Gallinule

Black Rose Flower
Unreleased Black Rose Flower

Apple Mastery Sign
Unreleased Apple Tree Mastery

Mystery Seedling
Mystery Seedling


Make selling your old iPhone a breeze and profitable for you.


Make selling your old iPhone a breeze and profitable for you.

You may be one of the people who can’t wait to get a hold of the new iPhone 4 when it is released tomorrow.  You may be one who already has an iPhone 3Gs and would like to upgrade but do not know what to do with your old iPhone.
As you may have already realized, eBay and Craigslist will probably be saturated with listings from iPhone 3Gs users who are trying to unload their old iPhone in anticipation of using the money they get to be placed towards purchasing their new iPhone 4.
Did you know that there are plenty of other sites to sell your old iPhone 3Gs and in so many different ways?  Like Nextworth or How about trading it in?
You’re in luck.  Someone has written a step-by-step, detailed process on how you can get the most bang for your buck when selling your old iPhone.  Besides, you don’t want to end up like one of those techies who carry four pagers anyway right?  iPhone is supposed to make your life easier so you need only to carry one iPhone instead of two.  And, you can only be on Grindr once anyway.  Share

Farmville Podcast: October 23rd 2010


Farmville Podcast: October 23rd 2010
  Hey Farmers, and welcome to this week’s installment of the official FarmVille podcast! My name is Grimwell, and I’m filling in for Lexilicious during this week’s Podcast, and over the next few minutes I’ll be bringing you the latest news and information about FarmVille from Zynga. Share

Send Farmville Farmhands as Free Gift for Limited Time (((( Share)))

Share  Send Farmville Farmhands as Free Gift for Limited Time
(( Share with your friends on Facebook )) Farmhands are again available as free gift for a limited time only. You can send Farmhands to your neighbors from free gifting page on farmville. Share

Farmville Unreleased Chamois Goat, German Barrelwood Tub & Fall Treehouse


Farmville Unreleased Chamois Goat, German Barrelwood Tub & Fall Treehouse

he chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra, is a goat-antelope species native to mountains in Europe, including the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, the European Alps, the Gran Sasso region of the central Italian Apennines, the Tatra Mountains, the Balkans, parts of Turkey, and the Caucasus. The chamois has also been introduced to the South Island of New Zealand. Some subspecies of chamois are strictly protected in the EU under the European Habitats Directive.

Chamois Goat
Chamois Goat

German Barrelwood Tub
German Barrelwood Tub

Fall Treehouse

Farmville Spooky Effect Painter ( SHARE )))


Farmville Spooky Effect Painter ( SHARE )))

Farmville has released spooky effect painter. Decorate your fences, trees, barns and animals for Halloween! Click on items highlighted in orange to watch them transform! Neighbors can apply the same spooky effects when they play tricks on your farm, for free. It is available in the Farmville Market under decoration tab for 2 Fv Cash and is available for the next 11 days only.
Remember it will cost 2 Fv Cash for each item you apply Spooky Effect on.

Spooky Effect

Spooky Effects on Animals
Spooky Effects on Animals

Farm Fence, Animal Statue, Flower Knoll, Giant Moss Rock


Farm Fence, Animal Statue, Flower Knoll, Giant Moss Rock
Farmville has released new German theme with the release of limited edition German Themed Decorations – Farm Fence, Animal Statue, Flower Knoll, Giant Moss Rock. Flower Knoll can be purchased from the Farmville Market for Fv Cash while Farm Fence, Animal Statue and Giant Moss Rock can be purchased for Coins. All of these decorations are available for the next 12 days only. Share

Farmville Halloween Themed Buildings: Haunted House 2009 & Pumpkin Cottage

Share  Farmville Halloween Themed Buildings: Haunted House 2009 & Pumpkin Cottage
Farmville has released two Halloween themed buildings – Haunted House 2009 and Pumpkin Cottage. The Haunted House 2009 was previously released last year as part of Halloween Theme. Both of these buildings are available for FV Cash for the next 10 days only.
Farmville Halloween Themed Buildings: Released 22nd October 2009
  • Haunted House 2009 (60 Fv Cash)
  • Pumpkin Cottage (34 Fv Cash)
Halloween Pumpkin House
Halloween Pumpkin House
Haunted House 2009
Haunted House 2009

Farmville Landscape: Autumn Foliage Released

Share  Farmville Landscape: Autumn Foliage Released has added 5th landscape to its landscape collections the Autumn Foliage Landscape.
You can cover your farm with Autumn Foliage from the Farmville Market under Upgrade Farm tab for 1,000 coins only. Share

Adopt The Green Pony and Foal ==>(Share)


Before you start, make sure your familiar with the adopting processing You will receive alerts if there is a black sheep, cow or ugly duckling that needs your help and is homeless. The alert will tell you if you are willing to accept the animal and give it a home. If you accept then FarmVille will leave a post on your wall that will give your Facebook the option to Adopt to save the animal. The adopted animal is then placed on the owners farm. The owner can then chose to harvest from it or they can choose to sell it more money.

Farmville Halloween Themed Buildings: Haunted House 2009 & Pumpkin Cottage

Share Farmville Halloween Themed Buildings: Haunted House 2009 & Pumpkin CottageFarmville has released two Halloween themed buildings – Haunted House 2009 and Pumpkin Cottage. The Haunted House 2009 was previously released last year as part of Halloween Theme. Both of these buildings are available for FV Cash for the next 10 days only.
Farmville Halloween Themed Buildings: Released 22nd October 2009
  • Haunted House 2009 (60 Fv Cash)
  • Pumpkin Cottage (34 Fv Cash)
Halloween Pumpkin House
Halloween Pumpkin House
Haunted House 2009
Haunted House 2009

Haunted Lake, Ghost Gnome, Spooky Forest, Candelabra, Tomb Stone (Cow) & Spooky Tree


Haunted Lake, Ghost Gnome, Spooky Forest, Candelabra, Tomb Stone (Cow) & Spooky Tree

Some more exciting Halloween themed decorations made their way to the Farmville. Tonight’s updates includes Haunted Lake, Ghost Gnome, Spooky Forest, Candelabra, Tomb Stone (Cow) & Spooky Tree. Candelabra, Tomb Stone & Spooky Tree can be purchased using coins while Haunted Lake, Ghost Gnome and Spooky Forest are available for Fv Cash. As these items are Limited Edition they are available for purchase till Halloween i.e. 31st October 2010
Farmville Halloween Themed Decorations: Released 22nd October 2010
  • Haunted Lake – 32 FV Cash
  • Ghost Gnome – 12 FV Cash
  • Spooky Forest – 12 FV Cash
  • Candelabra – 70,000 Coins
  • Tomb Stone (Cow) – 6000 Coins
  • Spooky Tree – 5000 Coins

Farmville Released Candy Corn Pony & Foal

Share  Farmville Released Candy Corn Pony & Foal
Farmville has released yet another Horse in the market – Candy Corn Pony. Candy Corn Pony can be purchased in the Farmville Market for 24 Farm Cash and is available in the Farmville market for the next 12 days only.
Candy Corn Pony when placed in Horse Stable along with any stallion will yield a foal i.e. Candy Corn Pony Foal
Candy Corn Pony
Candy Corn Pony
Candy Corn Pony Foal
Candy Corn Pony Foal

Farmville Mystery Game Prizes Updated

Share  Farmville Mystery Game Prizes Updated

 Farmville has restocked mystery game prizes on 20th October 2010. This Mystery game can be Played from the farmville market for 16Fv Cash for each dart. With the current list of prizes the mystery game is available for the next 7 days. There is no guarantee what item you will get. Below is the list Share

Farmville Limited Time Gift: Ossabaw Pig


Farmville Limited Time Gift: Ossabaw Pig

For a limited time Farmville has added Ossabaw Pig to the Free Gift Section.
You can send it through the Gift Page for a limited time only. Share
Share Send Farmville Farmhands as Free Gift for Limited Time
Farmville Farmhands are again available as free gift for a limited time only. You can send Farmhands to your neighbors from free gifting page on farmville.
. Share

Farmville Unreleased Fall Collection (Collectibles)


Farmville Unreleased Fall Collection (Collectibles)

 There seems to be another collection makings it way to the FarmVille soon – The Fall Collection or The Fall Collectibles. At this moment we currently have no details if it will be the part of the Lightning Collection or will be added as Permanent Collections.

Note: Unreleased items have no official release date or guarantee that they will make it to the FarmVille

Fall Acorn
Fall Acorn
Fall Harvest Moon Token
Fall Harvest Moon Token
Fall Turkey Feather
Fall Turkey Feather
Fall Pumpkin
Fall Pumpkin
Fall Maple Leaf
Fall Maple Leaf