Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE))

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How many times have you heard people say that you are what you eat? When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, this is definitely a principle to live by.
If you keep on loading up on carbs, insisting on consuming fatty foods and not minding the caloric content of food at all – then there could be disastrous results as far as your weight is concerned.
Now, the same principle applies when it comes to the effect of the foods that you are eating to the quality of your skin.
fruits and vegetables
You might be surprised at how loading up on a lot of fruits and vegetables can do wonders for your skin.
The problem is that we live in a world where everybody seems to be looking for that quick fix.
Rather than thinking about the natural methods that you can use to improve the quality of your skin, most people browse through the shelves of drugstores and the ‘Healthy & Beauty’ sections of department stores.
They look for creams that help prevent wrinkles, lotions which make the skin smooth, ‘miracle’ pills which will make them instantly youthful-looking and beautiful.
But if you really want to have better looking skin, it is better if you will do it the old fashioned way: by feeding your skin with foods that will help you retain that youthful glow “.

The Top 10 Foods that Benefit Your Skin the Most

Aside from giving you a lot of benefits health wise, consuming these food items will help your skin remain luminous, elastic, smooth to the feel and healthy.
Take a look at the top 10 foods that will give you great skin:

1. Avocados

This rich tropical fruit is filled with vitamins C and E which works well towards fighting the effects of skin aging.
Although it is considered to be high in fat content, the type of fat that avocados have is monounsaturated.
This means that the fruit is also loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids that help improve the quality of your skin.

2. Berries

Blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries are all beneficial for your skin.It is even better if you can consume the exotic Acai berries which come from the Amazonian forests in Brazil.
Acai berries have the most potent antioxidant content among any other fruits in the world, which is the reason why it is called a ‘superfood‘.
When you load up on foods which are rich in antioxidants, the effect on your body is that free radicals will be neutralized.
These free radicals are the culprit behind premature skin aging and cell damage.In addition, berries are a great source of vitamins C and E, Riboflavin and fibers.
More importantly, these tiny fruits have a natural ingredient which helps the body manufacture collagen – which makes the skin supple and smooth. Not bad for really small fruits, right? [Fruits For skin care]
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