Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE )) No : 2


Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE ))No: 2

 3. Dark Chocolate

dark chocolate
Surprisingly enough, the oh-so-sinful dark chocolates do have a high antioxidant content which helps improve the flow of blood to the skin.
It also gets rid of the rough feel to your skin while at the same time protecting it from sun damage.

4. Green Tea

If there’s one food item in our list which is also considered as the ultimate health drink, it is none other than green tea. This beverage is considered to be healthier than water and when it comes to the health of your skin, it is the one to beat.
green tea
Did you know that green tea is even used as a natural remedy for acne? Green tea is also a potent antioxidant. When you drink green tea regularly, you will get the daily dose of vitamins C, D and K that the body needs.
As you can see, there are numerous benefits that you will get to enjoy by drinking green tea while also improving the quality of your skin – so ditch the caffeine and substitute it with a cup or two of green tea now.

5. Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines & Fresh Tuna

You may notice how all of these fish variants are on the oily side.
Don’t think that just because they’re oily, it already means that they will not contribute to the health of your skin at all.
These types of fish actually contain the healthy and essential fatty acids in the form of Omega-3 oils.
What it does for the health of your skin is to decrease the chances of your skin clogging up while at the same time improving its elasticity. All in all, aside from the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids to your health, it also generally improves the quality of your skin – making it suppler and younger-looking. Share

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