Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE))


 Top 10 Foods That Will Give You Great Skin ((SHARE))

6. Oysters

Although they are popular as aphrodisiacs, oysters actually are an excellent source of zinc.
What this does for your skin is to help renew and revitalize it, while assisting with the production of collagen at the same time.

7. Pomegranate Fruits & Pomegranate Juice

pomegranate fruits pomegranate juice
Just like Acai berries, pomegranate is also considered to be a super food because of its high antioxidant content.
Whether it’s the pure juice form or the fruit itself that you will eat, you will get to enjoy a unique benefit to your skin – which is to prevent the appearance of varicose veins.
This is due to the fact that pomegranate contains Anthocyanins which help strengthen the walls of the tiny blood vessels which in turn supply the skin with the nutrients that it needs.

8. Spinach

Popeye’s power veggie is something which you should also be eating a lot of.
Spinach is rich in alpha-lipoic acid and lutein – these two compounds work great against skin aging and also have anti-inflammatory benefits.

9. Tomatoes

Plump, red and juicy tomatoes are a great source of lycopene.
This does not just work well as an antioxidant to benefit your skin, but lycopene helps prevent the occurrence of certain cancers as well.

10. Walnuts

Just like fish oils, walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
The result when you feed your skin with this is that you will have smoother skin, and your body will be more able to battle inflammatory diseases.
Fill your grocery cart with these items the next time that you go shopping and watch nature work wonders on your skin! Share

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