SHARE--->>How to get the Snowy Land in FrontierVille !!! (( share ))

Share  Winter is coming in FrontierVille with the new set of repeatable missions, but that doesn’t seem to be quite enough for Zynga. Therefore, the developers have decided to give us the chance to get a Snowy Land in the game and really bring winter to our homesteads.  
How to get the Snowy Land in FrontierVille?
Apparently, it is pretty simple: we can purchase it from the marketplace, but we need to unlock it first. We need 10 new neighbors to unlock the snowy land, or we can pay 30 HS to unlock it early. There is also a “Skip” button, but I didn’t have the guts to click it since I was afraid that the Snowy Land might disappear forever Share

The Three New Gift Missions Go Live in FrontierVille! (( share ))

Share The Three New Gift Missions Go Live in FrontierVille! (( share ))
Starting today, we can purchase in FrontierVille the so-called “Gift Missions” and we’ve already shared with you all the details here on FrontierVille Info. But since it’s just now that the missions went live and there are some clarifications to be made, I decided to write this post.
As you can see, there are three types of missions you can purchase and they are all repeatable missions, meaning that you can repurchase them and complete them over and over again. The missions are:
- Home Heating – costs 475 coins, a single mission we’ve talked about here
- Holiday Ready – costs 950 coins, a series of two missions: Holiday Decoratin’ and Holiday Celebratin’
- Winter’s a Comin’ - costs 1900 coins, a series of three new missions: A Winter’s Journey, Winter’s a Coming, Creature Comforts Share

share---->>FrontierVille's Photos - Wall Photos (( share ))


FrontierVille's Photos - Wall Photos (( share ))
 Done with all of your missions? Then get ready for a new quest, coming soon to a homestead near you. Share

FrontierVille Horeshoe Pit Glitch Allows You to Send Infinite Rewards (( share ))

Share Howdy, pardners! You certainly know already that now playing the Horseshoe Pit game in FrontierVille costs one tend and many of you are not happy with that, but at least there’s a good thing about it, especially if you’re one of them really helpful neighbors. FrontierVille fan Junkin has found this glitch and here it is:
“One, you can play the pit, then leave your neighbors place and return and you will regain the tend lost to the pit.
Two, and this one is a biggie! If you use all five tends with one or more of them being the horse shoe pit, you can send your friend the reward and then return to send another reward. Ostensibly you could do this ad infinitum by simply doing a pit play each time you visit and return. you do NOT have to actually play the pit, you can click it and then click the stop icon. You could, if you so wished, do all five tends as a click on the pit and a cancel and send them a reward without walking all over the place or hitting something else.” Share

FrontierVille Unreleased Christmas Outfits (( SHARE ))

Share  Zynga is hard at work to welcome Christmas in FrontierVille and asides tons of new missions and content, they have decided to also bring in to play a few Christmas Outfits for out large families and friends. We have no information about the pricing of the FrontierVille Christmas costumes you can see below, but I am tempted to believe that one per genre will be available for horseshoes, while the other will cost regular coins and cloth.

Strongest ant in the world &Strongest man in the world (( share ))

 This guy is big.
The oafish and massive heavyweight and “world’s strongest man” entered the MMA ring for the first time on December 12 from Warsaw, Poland for the Polish mixed martial arts promotion KSW as part of KSW 12.
The 6′1′, 300+ pound Pole faced off with professional boxer Marcin Najman, who was also making his MMA debut at the event.
If he takes care of his intestinal tract, he could be the next Brock Lesnar as the current Brock Lesnar is indisposed at the moment and we need a working model immediately…
Stronger ant in the world (( share ))

How seaweed (diving) could help you lose weight "share"


 BRITISH scientists say seaweed could be the answer to the obesity epidemic, potentially reducing the body's fat retention by more than 75 per cent.
A fibrous material in sea kelp called alginate was better at preventing fat absorption than most over-the-counter slimming treatments, laboratory tests for a University of Newcastle study showed.
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"This suggests that if we can add the natural fiber to products commonly eaten daily - such as bread, biscuits and yogurts - up to three-quarters of the fat contained in that meal could simply pass through the body," team leader Dr Iain Brownlee told Sky News UK.
"Now, the next step is to carry out clinical trials to find out how effective it is when eaten as part of a normal diet." Share

share----->>Pet Weighing !! (( share ))

Share Is your pet under-weight or obese? Ask your Local Trophy Nutritional Advisor for help. Pet Weighing services are available in most areas covered by our nutritional advisors.
Find my Local Trophy Nutritional Advisor.
Just the right weight, is your dog?One in three dogs and one in five cats are overweight and vets say the problem is worse than many people think. Obesity is now one of the more common problems vets see and it causes so many difficulties in an animal's life

. Sometimes there are medical reasons but often it is down to owners giving them too much food or well-meaning neighbours topping it up. Pet owners give treats but often don't count them towards a pet's daily diet, which they should. Exercise also has an important part to play. The last thing some people want to do when they get back home is to go and walk their dogs so they give them guilt treats. This is clearly not helping the situation. It sounds harsh, but we need to correct this behaviour. Share

Thailand's fabulous cuisine will make your fishing holiday a culinary delight! ((share))


Like the fishing, dining out in Thailand is an experience not to be missed. Bangkok boasts some of the finest restaurants in the world, it really does have the most delicious cuisine you can possibly imagine. Many of the flavours found in Thai cuisine are created by ingredients that westerners just don't seem to use, but when they taste it they love it nevertheless.

A selection of Thailand's famed cuisine

Some Favourite Flavours and Ingredients are:

  • Sweet. Created by palm sugar (from the coconut tree) and raw cane.
  • Sour. From ingredients like tamarind and lime
  • Spicy.From those indispensable and somewhat fiery Thai chillies and galangal. Most food is tamed down when ordered by a westerner so don't worry too much!
  • Salty. From things like fermented fish sauce, which is delicious and tastes nothing like it sounds, through to soy sauce which is mainly used in chinese/laos style dishes.
  • Rice. This staple food of the Thai people is like nothing you've ever tasted before in rice! It is a fragrant, flavoursome and revered throughout Thailand...with good reason.
  • Noodles. Rice or wheat, thin or thick, boiled or choose. Delicious either way, handmade and fresh as a daisy.
  • Vegetables. In Thailand these are always fresh! From familiar items such as beans, bean-sprouts, sweet pea, corn on cobs, through to less well known items such as "Pak Bun", Baby Aubergines and many many more.....all are delicious when prepared by Thai's

Six Ways to Slash Your Winter Energy Bill !! "share"


I hate visiting my friend Matt during the winter. He’s frugal (ok, a tightwad), and he keeps his house so cold during winter that it’s normal to see your breath when sitting on his sofa. Did I mention he lives in Wisconsin? Keeping his house that cold is not a pick-up trick (ie. “Maybe she’ll sit closer if that’s her only chance for survival.”), but a way my cheap accountant friend saves money. However, if you’d like to have friends over, or avoid hypothermia, there are other ways of saving energy and money when the thermostat outside drops. Here are six great ways to save money:

1. Service Your Heating System Every Year
It’s the best money you’ll spend. The cost for a typical service call to clean the unit and change filters in both the furnace and humidifier is on average $75-$100, depending on where you live. Once cleaned, you’ll need to change the filters regularly. Upgrading to a pleated filter will do a better job of trapping airborne particulates than the cheaper spun fiberglass one. If you are considering replacing your heating system, buy the highest efficiency unit you can. The payback for the increased cost can be recovered in as little as three years and then the savings keep coming.
2. Use a Programmable Thermostat
A typical household uses the bulk of its energy for heating and cooling–up to 44 percent of the utility bill, according to the US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
Outdated thermostats are the weakest link in conserving energy. On the other hand, programmable thermostats can reduce the amount of energy wasted heating a house when no one is home or everyone’s asleep.
According to the Home Energy Saver site, Energy Star programmable thermostats can save as much as 20 to 30 percent on heating costs while only costing $40-$100 initially
3. Take a Modern Approach to Lighting
Anyone who has a parent knows that you should turn off the lights when you leave a room, but there are other ways to cut back on the second biggest household energy use.
Using compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) may cost more in the check out lane, but because these bulbs use 75 percent less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer, they are more than worth the initial cost.
Replace the five most used light bulbs in your home with CFLs and save up to $60 a year on your electric bill.
The best prices for CFLs can be found at for both individual and bulk orders, starting at $.99 per bulb (in packs of eight) or $1.69 to buy a single bulb. However, because the site utilizes a flat shipping rate of $7.90, buying in bulk will be the way to go.
4. Work with Nature
Use natural, passive methods to heat the house. During the winter, open the blinds and curtains in the morning to harness the energy of the sun and receive free heat throughout the day. Talk about solar power.
5. Strip to Save Money
Keep your clothes on (really, you’ll feel warmer without needing to touch the thermostat), but add weather stripping to your windows and doors.
It’s a project that any homeowner can do. This also has a real impact on drafts and conserving energy. Door thresholds, window caulking, and plastic window film can go a long way in saving money. If you live in a drafty home, you could save up to 20 percent with an investment of as little as $25. For an easy step-by-step guide on weather stripping,
6. Keep It Under Wraps
More than 20 percent of a tanked water heater’s energy is used while it is on “standby,” keeping the water hot for the next use. Adding a blanket of insulation around the water heater can help reduce its standby energy use, and it only takes about $20 and 20 minutes to install one.
You could also go tankless. Tankless water heaters have been around for over 75 years. Almost all of Europe heats their water with these units. Tankless units create hot water on demand so there’s no stored water needing to be continuously heated. (Think about when you’re away or asleep.) A Consumer Reports test shows that tankless units are 22 percent more energy efficient on average than the gas-fired storage-tank models, saving around $70 to $80 per year. However, because they are so much more expensive to purchase ($400–$1,000), it can take up to 22 years to break even—longer than the 20-year life of many models.
Bonus Tip: The Department of Energy (DOE) is partnering with counties, utilities, and non-profit organizations in areas across the country to test and evaluate Home Energy Scores from November 2010 through mid-2011. Through these pilots, you can find out how your home stacks up energy-wise compared to your neighbor. To find out if you live in one of the testing areas and more, check out the DOE’s site at Share

2012 Volkswagen Beetle for Oprah Studio Audience !! (( share ))

Share Volkswagen is using “The Oprah Winfrey Show” as a launching pad for its redesigned Beetle even though the car’s on-sale date is a year away. The talk-show host showed a silhouette of its 2012 Volkswagen Beetle, and then announced she would give a new Beetle to each member of the studio audience.
The intro is part of the car maker’s plan to raise the profile of the Beetle and the rest of its models, which it has gone to great lengths to make more attractive to U.S. consumers. The new Beetle is also meant to strengthen the company’s image as a maker of sporty cars with enough performance to attract enthusiasts, not just shoppers looking for something ”cute.” Share

Unreleased Gold Items Prepared for FrontierVille, Golden Rush coming? ((SHARE))

Share  Well, it appears that Zynga is planning to turn on the style for for FrontierVille, with the release of a bunch of gold items for the game which could (I really hope that I’m correct!) mean the release of something even bigger.



Share ------- >>Sony television meet Internet (( share ))

Share The world's first and only HDTV powered by Google TV gives you easy access to more entertainment than ever. Search the entire web, TV listings and apps to find exactly what you're looking for. Watch TV, browse the internet, or do both at the same time on the same screen.

Food Portion Size, 20 Years Ago Vs. Today (PICS) !! (( share ))

Over the past few decades, portion sizes of everything from muffins to sandwiches have grown considerably. Unfortunately, America’s waistbands have reacted accordingly. In the 1970s, around 47 percent of Americans were overweight or obese; now 66 percent of us are. In addition, the number of just obese people has doubled, from 15 percent of our population to 30 percent.
While increased sizes haven’t been the sole contributor to our obesity epidemic, large quantities of cheap food have distorted our perceptions of what a typical meal is supposed to look like. These portion comparisons, adapted from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s (NHLBI) Portion Distortion Quiz, give a visual representation of what sizes used to be compared to what they are today.
Two Slices of Pizza
Twenty years ago                                                    Today
500 calories                                                             850 calories                                
Those extra 350 calories, if eaten a two times a month, would put on two extra pounds a year, or forty pounds in the next two decades.
Cup of Coffee
Twenty years ago                                                   Today
Coffee with milk and sugar                                       Grande café mocha with whip, 2% milk
8 ounces                                                                 16 ounces
45 calories                                                              330 calories
When our parents ordered a coffee two decades ago, they weren’t given as many size options—a standard cup of joe was eight ounces, the size of a small coffee cup. Nowadays, most of us feel like we don’t get our money’s worth unless the cup is at least twelve ounces; it’s not unusual to see thirty-two ounce coffee cups, four times the size they used to be. When made into a mocha, the morning coffee has as many calories as a full meal.
Movie Popcorn
Twenty Years Ago                                         Today
5 cups                                                           Tub
270 calories                                                   630 calories
We don’t have to eat those extra 360 calories in the tub of popcorn, but that’s easier said than (not) done. Studies indicate that when given food in larger containers, people will consume more. In a 1996 Cornell University study, people in a movie theater ate from either medium (120g) or large (240g) buckets of popcorn, then divided into two groups based on whether they liked the taste of the popcorn. The results: people with the large size ate more than those with the medium size, regardless of how participants rated the taste of the popcorn.
Twenty Years Ago                                   Today—Noah’s Plain Bagel
3-inch diameter                                         5-6-inch diameter
140 calories                                              350 calories
Because portions are now so large, it’s hard to understand what a “serving size” is supposed to be. Today’s bagel counts for three servings of bread, but many of us would consider it one serving. Larger sizes at restaurants have also contributed to larger sizes when eating at home. A study comparing eating habits today with twenty years ago found that participants poured themselves about 20 percent more cornflakes and 30 percent more milk than twenty years ago.
Twenty years ago                                    Today’s Burger
333 calories                                              590 calories
According to a 2007 paper published in the Journal of Public Health Policy, portion sizes offered by fast food chains are two to five times larger than when first introduced. When McDonald’s first started in 1955, its only hamburger weighed around 1.6 ounces; now, the largest hamburger patty weighs 8 ounces, an increase of 500 percent. And while a Big Mac used to be considered big, it’s on the smaller side of many burger options. At Burger King, you can get the Triple Whopper; at Ruby Tuesday’s there’s the Colossal Burger; and Carl’s Junior has the Western Bacon Six Dollar Burger.

10 Greatest and most Famous Diamonds in the world !! ((share))

Share  Diamond is a special stone that is priced and valued more then any other stone in the world. Diamond with a huge size and unique color is obviously become the pride and symbol of honor of the owner. This is the list of 10 Greatest and most famous diamonds in the world. Most of them are priceless.
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The World's Most Expensive Diamonds !! ((share))

Share The biggest buyers of expensive diamonds are men who buy them for their collections, (sorry ladies). These collectors are unsurprisingly amongst the world's wealthiest men, they prize perfection and will pay in large amounts to aquire it. The chase for perfect diamonds may be a worldwide one involving international dealers and auction houses and diamond mines in South Africa, Australia and elsewhere.

Just a little site I've started to look at some magnificent Diamonds and Jewelry! Check these babies out!

The Pumpkin Diamond, a type known as a Fancy Vivid Orange and a mere trifle at about USD3m!
The Darya-ye Noor, about 186 carats
The Steinmetz Pink Diamond, the largest known vivid pink diamond at nearly 60 carats.

FrontierVille Homestead of the Week #19 !! ( SHARE )

Share We’re back with the FrontierVille Homestead of the Week contest and this week we’re going for a fall-themed homestead, with a Thanksgiving feast just ready to happen. Check out the 19th Homestead of the Week here on FrontierVille Info, owned by Gennie:

If you think your homestead looks good enough (or is original enough) to be featured here on FrontierVille Info, please send us your images at Here is how to take a screenshot of your homestead in the game:
If you’re running Windows, simply switch to view your homestead in full screen and click the Print Screen Button. Then, simply open up Microsoft Paint, right click on the screen and select “Paste” and save the file! Share

Playing Horseshoe Pit Game at Neighbors’ Homestead Costs Action Points! (( SHARE ))

Share Until now, it was free to play the Horseshoe Pit game at your neighbors’ and many people preferred to do it there because of this reason. Well, not anymore, as now playing the game will cost you one of the five action points you have per neighbor, and it is not giving you any reputation!
FrontierVille fan Alexander was quick to notice that and told us:

“Just an FYI, I was visiting neighbors two days ago and discovered that the horseshoe pit now counts as one of the 5 items you can do on a neighbor’s property during a visit. This is counter to last week and before, when you could visit the horseshoe pit and play it and still have five items to tend.” Share

DYI: How to Fix FrontierVille RSVP’s Problems & Make Them Count !! (( share ))


For a while now many FrontierVille players are complaining that they have all sorts of problems with the RSVPs, especially that when they are not posted to the walls of the neighbors. Although Zynga is working hard to fix these RSVP problems, some players are losing patience and for them I have to share a handy guide on how to fix the FTV RSVP problems.
Here is what to do, but have in mind that it’s not a 100% sure that will work recipe!
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Step 1: Open your feast table and click ask for RSVPs to where it shows the window with your friends. DON’T click anyone to invite but leave it up.
Step 2: Open another Tab and click privacy settings, Edit settings, then remove POST TO WALL option beside your Frontierville
Step 3: Do NOT close the tab with your settings or it WON’T WORK. It resets EACH time so you have to do ALL these steps even the next time you want to ask for RSVPs.
Step 4: With the Edit Settings tab still open, click back to the Tab with your opened RSVP request and then Invite. You have to do them 1 at a time and dont click on alot at once. Click one, wait for the pop up to come up to ask individually and remember, you have to do all this again to get them next time you want to ask. Share

FrontierVille Thanksgiving Items Gifts Cheat !! (( share ))

Share We need tons of Thanksgiving Items in FrontierVille to prepare the Thanksgiving Feast and I’m sure that most of you are having a really hard time getting the required types of food even though Zynga did everything to help us get more: we can choose one item when we send one to friends and we can also get them as free gifts.
What now? Well, we can also cheat a little bit to increase the number of Thanksgiving items for the feast using the gift cheat I’ve told you about here (read for the instructions)
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. Here are the “codes” you need to use in order to get more Thanksgiving items (the names are pretty obvious regarding the items you’ll get):
- feast_pie
- feast_cranberrysauce
- feast_roastturkey
- feast_sweetpotatoes Share

Breast Cancer Treatment & Side Effects ((share))

Share In recent years, there's been an explosion of life-saving treatment advances against breast cancer, bringing new hope and excitement. Instead of only one or two options, today there's an overwhelming menu of treatment choices that fight the complex mix of cells in each individual cancer. The decisions — surgery, then perhaps radiation, hormonal (anti-estrogen) therapy, and/or chemotherapy — can feel overwhelming. can help you understand your cancer stage and appropriate options, so you and your doctors can arrive at the best treatment plan for YOU.
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In the following pages of the Treatment and Side Effects section, you can learn about:
Planning Your Treatment 
What types of treatment are available and which might be appropriate for you.
Breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy), mastectomy, and lymph node dissection, and what to expect from each.
Who should get it, how it works, different types, side effects, and how to manage them.
Radiation Therapy
What it is, who it's for, advantages, side effects, and what to expect when you get it.
Hormonal Therapy
The link between hormones and breast cancer and how different groups of drugs — including ERDs, SERMs, and aromatase inhibitors — can affect that link.
Targeted Therapies
Including Herceptin: How they work, who should get them, how they're given, side effects, and major studies.
Complementary & Holistic Medicine
How complementary medicine techniques such as acupuncture, meditation, and yoga could be a helpful addition to your regular medical treatment. Includes research on complementary techniques and ways to find qualified practitioners.
Drugs for Treatment and Risk Reduction
A reference list of drugs used to treat and reduce the risk of breast cancer, including how they work, to whom they are typically given, and side effects.
Treatment Side Effects
A reference list of side effects and their explanations.
Clinical Trials
What clinical trials are and how to find trials if you would like to participate.
(( to be continued )) 
((we'll have all details for each item )) 

Everything About the FrontierVille Thanksgiving Collection ((share))

Share Finally, the third collection released today in FrontierVille to celebrate Thanksgiving is the Thanksgiving collection, and I’ve decided to share with you all the details you need to know in order to get all the collectibles and trade in the collection as fast as possible!
Let’s start first by checking out the image of the FrontierVille Thanksgiving Collection and the items required to complete it:
There are multiple ways for collecting items for the Thanksgiving collection: you can get them from the Feast Table, for feeding Prize Turkeys or from harvesting Squash crops. If you manage to complete the collection and trade it in, you will receive as a reward a Turkey Fryer. Good luck! Share

Choose Your Own Reward for Helping with Thanksgiving Items in FrontierVille ((share))

Share As you probably know if you’ve visited FrontierVille Info in the past couple of hours, there are tons of new goodies in FrontierVille, including the Thanksgiving Feast Table and the Thanksgiving missions! As you can imagine, these new goodies also come with lots of new items required for finishing either the missions or the table, and you’ll need to ask your neighbors for help.

Until now, Zynga used to give us one item similar to the one we sent to our friends, but apparently things are changed a little bit just for Thanksgiving, and now Zynga allows us to choose the reward we want to take. Even better, since sometimes we might be in a need of an item nobody is asking for. Hopefully Zynga will introduce this type of multiple choice rewards for all the requests to make our lives just a lil’ bit easier. Share

FrontierVille Feast Table: Prepare 2nd Course ((share))

Share Finishing the second course in FrontierVille, just in time for Thanksgiving, is similar to preparing the 1st course. This means that you need the same items – but more of each one. If you missed it in the first post, here is how to prepare the 2nd course in FrontierVille and the requirements to get them:

- 3 cranberry sauce
– ask friends via Facebook wall, get one when you send one
- 3 sweet potatoes – ask friends via Facebook wall, get one when you send one
- 3 delicious pies – ask friends via Facebook wall, get one when you send one
- 3 roast turkey – ask friends via Facebook wall, get one when you send one
- 2 Feast RSVPs – Invite friends to send you, needs to allow FrontierVille to post on your wall
- 1 Serving Spoon – Invite one friend to send it to you – press skip and repeat until you find one that actually plays the game or somebody you know well so you can beg him or her to send you the spoon Share

Win 1,500 Horseshoes in Zynga’s Thanksgiving Contest in FrontierVille!((share))

Zynga decided to come with an amazing contest in FrontierVille, one that’s related to the coming Thanksgiving in real life. Yes, you’ve read it correctly, now it’s time to make FrontierVille part of your real life too: and you can win an incredible prize of 1,500 horseshoes, 1 MILLION coins and 1 mystery animal crate. Here are the details of the contest, as posted on the official forums:
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“Howdy Pardners! Thanksgiving is upon us. The FrontierVille team would like to celebrate the holidays with a little creativity from your real homesteads! It’s time to put down the shovel and stop clobbering those varmints! Lets all head to the kitchen and see what we can dish up “Frontier style”.
The rules are simple, cook up a FrontierVille themed dish as part of your holiday meal-making, take a picture and post it, along with a brief description, to this forum by 11:59 pm PST on Sunday, November 27th, 2010. Then the community will have an opportunity to vote on their top favorites. The top 10 that receive the most votes will receive 1,500 Horseshoes, 1,000,000 coins, and 1 Mystery Animal Crate!” Share

Get Your Thanksgiving Decorations in FrontierVille! ((share))


Zynga has just introduced a bunch of Thanksgiving-themed decorations to purchase in FrontierVille, to go well hand in hand with the yellow oak trees and the Harvest Crate. Read on to find our which are the decorations that have just been released, how much they cost and… well… just see them!

Thanksgiving decorations purchasable for regular coins:
- Leafbag – 2,755 coins
- Pumpkin Pots – 2,185 coins
- Harvest sign – 475 coins, 5 wood
- Turkey topiary – 1,900 coins
- Pumpkin man – 3,800 coins
- Pumpkin Cart – 6,175 coins, 5 wood
Thanksgiving decorations available for HS only:
- Turkey Windmill – 35 HS
- Hay House – 30 HS
- Turkey Statue – 19 HS
- Turkey Balloon – 45 HS
- Duck Pond – 45 HS
- Gazebo – 25 HS
- Bear Balloon – 40 HS
- Football – 23 HS
- Jack-O-Lantern – 42 HS

FrontierVille Harvest Crate Available in the Market! ((share))

Share  FrontierVille Harvest Crate Available in the Market! ((share))
You thought that new missions and a feast table were everything Zynga had planned for the Thanksgiving celebrations in FrontierVille? If so, you were wrong, since they have just introduced a bunch of new decorations, plus a very interesting Mystery Crate. Let’s find out more about it, plus the items we can find inside!

First of all, it’s worth noting that the FrontierVille Mystery Crate is available for purchase from the market for 35 HS and it can hold inside one of the following decorations (also available for purchase in the market for various prices):
- Bear Balloon (original price: 40 HS)
- Turkey Balloon (original price: 45 HS)
- Jack-o-Launcher (original price: 42 HS)
- Duck Pond (original price: 45 HS)
- Turkey Windmill (original price: 35 HS) Share