":Chihuahua:" Most of the dog's preferred global cinema stars ((SHARE))


":Chihuahua:" Most of the dog's preferred global cinema stars ((SHARE))

You’ve heard the saying, “treat everyone equally?” This should also be true for dogs, whether small or large. Believe it or not – dogs are often stereotyped in ways similar to humans. Our perceptions about the behavior of the dogs chihuahua small compared to large can lead to false conclusions about whether it is easy. Some false negative perceptions and small pets are barking more often than larger dogs and are more harmful because of its lack of size. On the other hand, owners of large dogs to hear about how their pets are like savage murderers who are ready to pounce on its prey, the fragmentation into pieces. Perceptions of small and large dogs are just that perceptions. The truth of the matter is the behavior of dogs – from their perspective – it has absolutely nothing to do with their size, and soon will understand.
Believe it or not, the behavior of dogs is relatively constant. In comparison, it is not really very different people. We have our good days and bad. Our moods are up and can now download the following. The reason for this is that all humans come from the same species. The small and large dogs also come from the same species. At present, come from a subspecies of the wolf, more commonly known as canine. The point is that all dogs regardless of size is what is natural and instinctive, as human beings.
civilized human beings are expected to behave in a certain way or manner that complies with the functioning of society. For the most part, it is understood by everyone. The same is true for all dogs based on their own behavior. But as humans, who often perceive or classify behavior based on their size. For example, if a 100-pound boxing great jumps on its owner, which is considered unacceptable. However, if a pet Chihuahua is four pounds over the same action, is perceived by some as “cute”, making it well.  


The truth is that the behavior of the two dogs are exactly the same. The intent of the 100-pound boxer would dominate the owner. The same is true for the four-pound Chihuahua. Is the same behavior with the same intention. However, the perception that the big dog is that he is a murderer, while the perception of smaller animals is being playful.


The conclusion is that small dogs, medium or large should never be allowed to get away with this kind of behavior. Dogs do not think their size when they are reacting in the moment. In fact, size is not a factor in their minds. It is not uncommon to see a small cut in a larger dog. As you can see, no matter how small or large dog commits the crime itself. Both must be disciplined, no excuse.

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