Super Food and Dieting ((share))

Super Food and Dieting ((share))
What are the best diet foods?  Well, that depends on how we evaluate them.  Every body has different needs, and we try to take these needs into consideration as we look at everything from low-carb diets to low-fat ones.
There are some super foods and drinks that should be on any diet.  For many people, simply adding these foods to their diet give them the weight loss boost they need.  They feel restricted on more formal diets and just want to lose weight without counting calories or carbs.

diet time 

Other people benefit from being on a weight loss plan.  When choosing a weight loss plan, there are many things to consider.  Will you enjoy being on the diet?  A diet that you hate is stressful, and it is hard to lose weight when stressed.  Also, you'll be more tempted to cheat and may feel guilty about not being able to stick to the plan.  So, first find a plan that you are comfortable following.

How much weight should I lose?

Are you looking for a rapid weight loss in the beginning?  Often, fast weight loss at the start of the diet will give you the motivation to keep going.  Keep in mind that few weight loss programs can maintain a rapid weight loss.
 Evaluate the health aspects of any weight loss program that you go on.  Just because a program is written by a doctor, doesn't mean it was written by an expert in nutrition.  Will you be getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need?  Should you take a vitamin supplement to ensure your health?

Most diets work great while you are on them, but you gain the weight back the moment that you stop following the regime.  Try to find a diet that will give you long term results.  If you don't want to count calories for the rest of your life, don't start now.

Decide how much time you want to devote to your diet.  Do you need to choose a plan that has a lot of prepackaged meals or do you enjoy cooking on a regular basis?  If you enjoy eating out, what are your options on each plan?  Some diets have programs that will deliver the food you can eat directly to your door, for a price.  Check out our section on diet food deliveries for more information.

Consider others when picking a diet plan

Support of your family members and friends makes dieting easier.  If sharing meals with your loved ones is important, look for a plan that your family can join you on.  They don't have to do the diet full time, but find one that has recipes that they'll enjoy eating so you can share meals.
 Finally, although this site is about the best diet foods, remember that exercise is an important part of losing weight.  Incorporate physical activity into your life at least three times a week.  Go for walks, join a gym, or take up a favorite sport.  Exercise coupled with the best diet foods makes the weight melt off. 

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