Choose Your Own Reward for Helping with Thanksgiving Items in FrontierVille ((share))

Share As you probably know if you’ve visited FrontierVille Info in the past couple of hours, there are tons of new goodies in FrontierVille, including the Thanksgiving Feast Table and the Thanksgiving missions! As you can imagine, these new goodies also come with lots of new items required for finishing either the missions or the table, and you’ll need to ask your neighbors for help.

Until now, Zynga used to give us one item similar to the one we sent to our friends, but apparently things are changed a little bit just for Thanksgiving, and now Zynga allows us to choose the reward we want to take. Even better, since sometimes we might be in a need of an item nobody is asking for. Hopefully Zynga will introduce this type of multiple choice rewards for all the requests to make our lives just a lil’ bit easier. Share

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