Raw Food Diet – Day 14

 Raw Food Diet – Day 14
This morning, I woke up surprisingly fast for having only slept 3 hours.  That’s right, I went to sleep at 3 am and woke up at 6 am.  Although I did not wake up before the alarm clock rang, I jumped out of bed fairly fast.  I took care of the hygiene and measurements, then headed to the kitchen.  I’m glad I changed to the simple raw food philosophy, which involves me eating raw food that doesn’t take too much time to prepare.  I certainly gained some time by eating simpler meals.
Although I like having more time, I don’t know if I will stick with the simple raw food philosophy in the future.  This philosophy drastically reduces my food choices.  That may be all right in the short term, but not if I plan to incorporate this diet into my way of life.  I am currently eating whole raw foods in order to gain some much needed time for a few speaking engagements I have over the next couple of days.  Today I spoke in front of a group of 14 people.  That’s not a lot of people, but it is a start.
As you can see from the picture, I want to keep things simple.  Just peel and eat.  And measure and document of course.
  1. organic bananas (591g)
  2. organic grapefruits (683g)
I was able to eat this whole meal in around 15 minutes.  The preparation time was around 3 minutes max.  That time was spent peeling the bananas and grapefruits.  This meal energized me and I was fine until lunch.
Near lunch time I started to space out a little.  I was experiencing some spacing out effects much like I did on Day 3 of the diet.  There was no mental fog, but at times I had thoughts that I wanted to communicate and if I did not verbalize them right away then I lost them.  Normally when this happens, my thoughts came back after a couple of seconds, but this time they were gone for good.
  1. mixed salad:  organic and romaine mixed salad (230g), organic spinach (60g), organic orange bell peppers (225g), organic tomatoes (170g), organic onion (40g)
  2. salad dressing:  organic avocado (105g), banana (65g), 1 T spoon lemon, 1/4 cup water
After lunch I was in a normal state again.  I could definitely tell I was not as sharp as I had been up until this point.  This is to be expected because I had only slept 7 hours in two days.  After I ate lunch, I was in a more functional state.  I had no more mental blank outs until after dinner.
For dinner, I had a simple meal.  I made a green smoothie and ate some of my favorites.
  1. organic tomatoes (443g)
  2. cucumbers (282g)
  3. organic Fuji apples (190g)
  4. organic grapefruit (394g)
  5. green smoothie: organic bananas (366g), organic baby spinach (56g), 3 cups water
After eating dinner, I drove to give my speech.  The speech was not raw food diet related, but I did share some facts about the raw food diet with the audience.  My speech lasted around 30 minutes and I barely missed a beat during my initial presentation.
I have spoken in front of 100 people before so I am used to public speaking.  Even so, sometimes I become a bit nervous before I am introduced.  Today I felt completely at home in the environment, finishing my speech with only a couple of errors which came near the end.  I think this also happened because I was excited to give the speech, but excitement only lasts a short while before it is defeated by fatigue.  I certainly felt tired after the speech.
This is probably the earliest I will be going to bed in a while, but I feel like my body needs it.  I pushed myself too hard.  Three hours of sleep is not enough. Still, if I had to sleep three hours on the raw food diet or the SAD, I would pick raw foods hands down.  On SAD, I could not even drag myself out of bed.  If I also had to give a speech, I would probably spend half the time admiring the pretty colors on the wall while drooling on my shirt and the other half babbling incoherently about needing more sleep. Share

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