Is Your Skin Appearing Dull And Pale? Use Facial Exfoliants To Give Your Skin A Healthy Look! ((SHARE)

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Are you in search of attaining beautiful skin? A beautiful skin with shiny look can be achieved by exfoliating the skin regularly with the help of facial exfoliants. Facial exfoliants plays a crucial role in skin care routine.
Exfoliation refers to the process that removes old dead skin cells from the upper layer of the skin, which makes the skin appear tedious and pale.
It motivates the skin’s blood circulation to start the production of the new younger skin cells.
Normally, the exfoliation process takes place naturally in the body every few days during the infancy stage.
However, this process decelerates as the age progresses and thus increases the need for facial exfoliants.
Facial exfoliants do wonders when used correctly and regularly. The exfoliants can make your skin not only smooth and shiny, but also improve the skin’s tone and texture. The effects of facial exfoliants are more beneficial for oily and dry skin [Dry skin care]. For oily skin [Oily skin care], it reduces the blemishes. For dry skin, it gives brighter and smoother effect.
Facial exfoliants come in several ways, through the natural method of scrubbing the face with a clean cloth, to using creams with AHAs. The manufacturers of skin care cosmetics are now providing facial exfoliants that are very smoother and less-irritating for the skin.
Also, there are certain natural ingredients to prepare facial exfoliants at home. This not only saves money but also allows you to prepare the scrub according to your needs.

Facial Exfoliants – Natural Ingredients

Facial Exfoliant – Lime And Peppermint Scrub
It works effectively for oily skin. Lime has an antiseptic property whereas peppermint gives a cooling and slightly astringent effect. To prepare the facial scrub, take three drops of pure peppermint oil, the juice of half a lime, and two spoons of rice flour.
Now, add the peppermint oil with rice flour and mix together thoroughly without allowing the rice to coagulate. Also, add the lime juice and stir properly. Apply this facial scrub to the face gently in circular movements, wait for few minutes and rinse the face thoroughly with warm water.
Facial Exfoliant – Oatmeal And Orange Scrub
Oatmeal is rich-in both vitamins B and E. Vitamin B has moisturizing property to moist the skin whereas vitamin E has anti-oxidants for skin protection. Orange has slightly acidic property, but gives a good toning effect for all skin types other than sensitive skin. This facial scrub can also be used for the entire body.
To prepare this facial exfoliant, take two spoons (table-spoon) of bran, equal quantity of finely powdered oatmeal, five drops of pure orange oil, and a tea-spoon of lime juice. Now mix bran, oatmeal, orange oil, and lime juice properly and leave it for few hours by storing it in a sealed container.
While applying, take the scrub handful and moist well using water and apply gently to the face in circular movements. Follow the application using a good quality moisturizer. You can also preserve the scrub in the refrigerator for about two weeks. Share

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