Unreleased FrontierVille Turkey and Baby Turkey ((share))

 Unreleased FrontierVille Turkey and Baby Turkey ((share))
Even though Thanksgiving is not really close, it appears that Zynga are preparing for it and how could they prepare better if not with the introduction of the FrontierVille Turkey, probably the next animal to be released in the game. Of course, this is just a possibility – as it always happens with unreleased items which might or might not see daylight in the end.
Either way, the FrontierVille Turkey is impressive and cute and it would certainly look great on our homesteads. Check it out below:

Also, the initial growth stage of the turkey appears to be the baby turkey, which seems to be even cuter and nice:

I do hope that we won’t have to wait until Thanksgiving Day is really close to see these two new animals released in FrontierVille since they are so cute and I want them like… now! Share

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