5 Silver Linings Now That Identity Theft Ruined Your Life ---->Share

Looking back on it now, you have to admit that this was bound to happen eventually. Someone has stolen your identity, using nefarious schemes and treachery, yes, but also greatly assisted by some of your shocking personal security habits, including:
Your practice of tossing unopened mail into the garbage.
Your soft spot for internet ads that congratulate you out loud when you open a webpage.
Your ill-advised decision to name your dog after your Social SecurityNumber.

Also, it was probably a bad idea to use your credit card as a Facebook profile pic.
And now some maniac is running around racking up purchases on your credit and otherwise sullying your good name - or even your stupid, regrettable name, like Franz, or Gene. But is it possible there's a lighter side hidden in all of this? Is there a silver lining tucked away here, which can provide you solace, and something to laugh at as you rebuild your horrible, poorly-named life?
Obviously. Didn't you read the title of the article?
#5. You're going to get really good on the telephone

And that's because you will be spending the next six months of your life on it. Whether dealing with banks, collection agencies or erotic cake subscription services, you're going to get really good at dealing with customer service representatives over the next few weeks and months as you go over the list of things you allegedly bought.

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