CityVille Cheats and Tips: Visit Neighbors early and often---> share

While we've covered visiting neighbors in passing once or twice in our ongoing series of Cheats and Tips for CityVille, it's only just now that the CityVille team has given us some vital information about how they work. Whether you're a hardcore mayor or just a casual city council member, these tips on how to maximize your bonuses from neighbor visits could potentially launch ahead of your friends in your favorite new Zynga game.
First Friend Visit
First off, every time you visit a brand new neighbor for the first time you will be rewarded with 100 coins, 3 Energy and 1 XP. Now, that's a pretty hefty bonus just for popping in and welcoming your new friend to the game, don't you think? As you all probably know already visiting friends daily after the fact nets you the standard 50 coins, 1 Energy and 1 XP. Share

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