FrontierVille Rein Em In Event Brings Lots of New Costumes ---->>SHARE

Share As I’ve told you in my previous post, there’s a new event in FrontierVille, this time with a reindeer theme, the rein em in event:
Therefore, it should be of no surprise to find out that there are a bunch of new costumes available in the market (but most cost HS…). Here is the list of prices and the images:

- Reindeer Hat (20 HS)
- Reindeer Jammies (30 HS)
- Red Wool Hat (Female) (16 HS)
- Red Hat (Male) (16 HS)
- Green Wool Hat (F) (8 HS)
- Green Hat (M) (8 HS)
- Green Sweater (8 HS)
- Red Sweater (8 HS)

We also have some new clothing items that can be purchased for coins: - Fox Muffs (Female) – 4,940 coins
- Fox Muffs (Male) – 4,940 coins
- Wool Muffs (Male) – 7,125 coins
- Bow Muffs (Femeale) – 8,455 coins Share

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