The sneaky fees in your credit card small print ----->> SHARE

Credit-card providers are introducing sneaky new fees in an effort to squeeze more profit from customers. Chief among these are dormancy fees and foreign-exchange charges.
Some are being quietly introduced alongside new consumer-protection measures, which come into force on January 1 under the Consumer Credit directive.
Squeezing profit: Santander is charging all store card customers a £10 fee if they do not use their cards for six months
This week, the Mail revealed that Santander is charging all store card customers a £10 fee if they do not use their cards for six months. Customers who signed up with House of Fraser, Debenhams, Laura Ashley, Topshop and Dorothy Perkins may all be hit if they only used their card for the introductory offer.
Squeezing profit: Santander is charging all store card customers a £10 fee if they do not use their cards for six months
The bank says it is bringing store card customers into line with its credit card and Zero card customers, who are charged a £10 dormancy fee if they do not use their account for six months.
Money Mail's advice is to take advantage of any discount offered when taking a card, then pay the bill in full, cut up the card and cancel it.

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