FrontierVille Tips & Tricks: Earn free, bonus Toys by using friends' wall posts (share)

Share Earlier this evening, we brought you news of the launch of the Toy Factory in FrontierVille. This Toy Factory will see you collecting toys (as the name suggests), which can then be turned in for free Holiday themed decorations and prizes. While we already know that you can simply send gifts to your friends (and receive them from friends) as free gifts, there is another way to earn free presents, that isn't even advertised, but is very much a time saver.
This involves the Wall Posts that you can also post to your friends walls asking for gifts. Since giving Toys is a "Give one, get one" situation, it's in every players' best interest to respond to these posts. In this comes our helpful little trick. If you have a bunch of friends playing FrontierVille, that also happen to be friends with each other, you can use these relationships to your advantage, and score free Toys, even if they haven't been given directly to you Share

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