Beat the sniffles: How to treat a cold " share "


  • A cold is caused by a virus, most often the rhinovirus, which typically causes the lining of the nose and throat to inflame. Nasal sprays that contain ­medications such as xylometazoline, or oxymetazoline such as Sudafed non-drowsy nasal spray, will help reduce the swelling in the nose that causes congestion. Our studies found nasal sprays to be more effective than decongestant tablets.

  • Putting your head over a steaming bowl of hot water for five minutes can help. It soothes and clears the airways.

  • Add a few drops of menthol Vaporub or crystals to the water, which has a cooling effect on nerves in the nose, making it feel clear and cool.

  • Look for lozenges with a strong taste — this will promote ­salivation to help coat and soothe a sore throat. Covonia lozenges, which contain menthol and ­capsicum, are good.

  • For the same reason, spicy foods, hot soups and drinks with bitter flavours can help, too.

  • The relief provided by cough mixtures comes more from the sweet, tasty syrup that ­lubricates the throat than from the active ingredients.

  • For a chesty cough, choose strong-­flavoured medicines and look for expectorants such as guaifenesin, which help thin mucus and clear it from the airways.

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