No fear: The woman with a bizarre medical condition that means she CANNOT be afraid ---->Share

Share A woman who knows no fear because of damage to a key emotion centre in her brain is lucky to be alive, scientists said today.
The US woman, known only as SM, lives in a poor and dangerous neighbourhood and has been the victim of numerous crimes.
She has shrugged off being held at knife and gunpoint, death threats, and assaults, and was once nearly killed by an act of domestic violence.
Lucky to be alive: Undated MRI scans of patient SM's brain. The arrows point to the amygdala, the region of the brain which SM is missing, as shown by the vacant black holes underneath the arrows
Lucky to be alive: Undated MRI scans of patient SM's brain. The arrows point to the amygdala, the region of the brain which SM is missing, as shown by the vacant black holes underneath the arrows
Yet even when her life was in peril her behaviour 'lacked any sense of desperation or urgency', said researchers. She was simply unafraid.In tests SM also showed no hint of fear when exposed to snakes and spiders, during a trip to one of the world's scariest haunted houses, or while watching clips of spine-chilling horror films. Share

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