FarmVille: Here's your last chance at White Pumpkin & Candy Cane crop mastery

Share In an effort to help you farmers get the most out of your FarmVille experience, I felt it only right to alert you guys to a couple of startling developments. Two of the current limited edition crops are about to expire from the store! First, the White Pumpkin, which was released back in the Thanksgiving event, will be expired in three days. This is the very last Thanksgiving item that is still available in the store
, and it might just be the best, as it allows you to not only earn a profit in coins by growing it, but you'll also have a chance at earning the very exclusive, show-off-worthy White Pumpkin Mastery Sign, awarded to those users that can master the crop to the three star level. If you haven't started growing them yet, you'll need to have a lot of empty plots of land to have a chance at full mastery, but it definitely isn't impossible. Share

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